Saturday, August 18, 2007

for those who care

i switched from blogger to embedding livejournal into the page because i <3 live journal's features. the LJ page is embedded in here using IFRAMEs, so if there's any weirdness, let me know.other than that, it's 6am and i should be asleep, but i'm wired. plus i was working on the site, and i am going to try to get little sleep so that i can fall asleep earlier tomorrow night. god only knows if that will work, but this insomnia has to stop, seriously. i'm doing okay depression-wise, but my anxiety and panic disorders are acting up, which sucks but isn't as bad as being depressed. i don't think i'm manic, either, since i'm not all euphoric (unfortunately!). so don't worry about moi. i'll be fine. and i'm happy, kinda.

1 comment:

blgnkblini70 said...

Again I say, yay!!!! LJ is better, more cute chick type stuff! Besides you paid.. *hehe*Now be sure to update daily!!!! :)~